A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!

Paper Pumpkin Parcels

Paper Pumpkin Parcels 

If you’re anything like me, you love giving gifts and taking extra care to present them in a fun, inventive way. This Fall I found a super cute and easy idea to wrap small items that adds the perfect seasonal touch. The best part is that it’s appropriate for all ages and can be filled with jewelry (my personal favorite), candy, gift cards, or any of your loved ones favorite trinkets. To complete the craft, you will need the following:


A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!


Orange Tissue Paper

Green Tape (Craft, Electrical or Painter’s Tape work well)



9” Round Pan

Small Gift Items


Begin by layering two pieces of the orange tissue paper on top of each other.


A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!








Using the cake pan, trace a circle onto the tissue. I found turning the pan upside down gave you a smoother edge and cleaner trace. If you don’t have a cake pan available, anything with a similar size diameter will work fine.

Cut your tissue to create the base of your pumpkin.


A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!


Lay the gift item you’ve chosen in the center and begin folding the pumpkin upward to create the shape.

Twist the pumpkin to begin forming the stem, pulling and moving the tissue to make a more round, full look.


A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!


Once you have the pumpkin exactly how you want it, wrap the green tape around the stem to complete the look.


A craft showing how to make a pumpkin out of tissue paper.  Perfect for Fall and Halloween themed gifts! Could include candy, jewelry and more!


It’s as easy as that! Kids will love it, family will appreciate it, and you’ve added that special touch with minimal effort!

Happy Halloween everyone!


                                                                                     ~ Megan

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